Selasa, 13 April 2010

Most of the people who want to start hosting their websites is looking for the free hosting service. But the free hosting service cannot be a reliable service and if you start building contents in your websites, then it would be a waste of your effort if you are hosting the websites in free hosting. Some webhosting companies that offer hosting packages at affordable prices has major weaknesses: they are not always reliable. Why do you need to work on the site when people tried to access it, reliability is a must. So you should always ask hosting companies about downtime before signing for hosting the site with low cost. You should make sure that you have all the necessary support, if you select a network that is more affordable hosting packages on offer. Specific things to ask about include technical support response time and availability of customer service representatives. If you are able to find cheap web hosting plan that has all the features required to build your site, there are still some things to consider before signing on the dotted line, the most important thing is reliability.

Some web hosting services offers superb services and useful features with low service fees that will help online business owner to run their business well. Due to the numerous web hosting services available on the net, it is always a wise step to browse for web hosting portals or web hosting news site like where future online business owner could read reviews, news and articles regarding web hosting services and other news related to today’s online industry. Speaking of web hosting service, there are several reputable webhosting services known for their excellent reputation, reliability, uptime and technical service among other things. If you are looking for a list of good web hosting services and providers, you can use a reliable site such as has offers cheap and best webhosting services as well as they are specially designed for getting best quality website for our own online business purpose. The site provide many news and reviews about web hosting providers. also discuss about content management system, like Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress, e commerce and etc. If you need information about web hosting, domain purchase, PHP, Linux etc. you can visit this site.

From time to time, there are many people looking for web hosts that can support their sites.You can easily get the offers of webhosting provider in This website is a guide to find the right web hosting provider and web hosting news for your website. It brings the offers for you, Once you have visit to this website, you will get the best web site hosting providers. you do not need to waste your time to search the choices of web hosting provider. You can compare prices, server up time, disk space, bandwidth, customer support and other such things related to web hosting. So visiting this site first, is worth it when you decide to buy one.

Jumat, 09 April 2010

Tentang Paydotcom

Apa itu PayDotCom?

PayDotCom adalah Perusahaan online yang memuat katalog ribuan situs affiliasi (company) yang membayar para member 50% – 75% per produk dari harga produk yang terjual. Sebelum bekerja sebagai data entry, anda diharuskan menjadi mitra dan memilih situs affiliasi yang ada di katalog PayDotCom. Anda akan medapatkan “tracking link” dari situs yang jadi mitra anda tersebut. Melalui tracking link inilah, anda akan dideteksi oleh PayDotCom apabila telah melakukan pekerjaa atau penjualan. Bayangkan jika anda berhasil menjual produk seharga 50 dolar, maka jika komisinya adalah 50%, maka anda mendapatkan 25 dolar dari penjualan produk tsb. Komisi dari penjualan produk2 bervariasi antara 50% - 70% per produk. Anda bebas untuk memilih produk2 apa saja yg akan anda pasarkan dan tidak dibatasi. Dengan kata lain anda boleh memasarkan produk sebanyak2nya.

Penghasilan atau Komisi anda akan dikumpulkan oleh PayDotCom, dan akan
dibayarkan setiap tanggal 1 dan 16 apabila balance penghasilan anda telah
terkumpul minimal $100. Komisi anda akan dikirim menggunakan cek ke alamat
anda yang sebelumnya anda daftarkan di PayDotCom atau melalui rekening Paypal anda.

Bergabung di PayDotCom tidak dipungut biaya pendaftaran alias gratis dan tak perlu beli produk tertentu. PayDotCom menyeleksi super ketat situs-situs yang mendaftar sebagai vendor (situs yang menawarkan affiliasi kepada member PayDotCom) sehingga anda tidak perlu ragu-ragu memilih mereka sebagai mitra. Seluruh penghasilan yang anda peroleh dari semua situs affiliasi yang anda jadikan mitra akan menyatu terkumpul di account PayDotCom anda, bisa anda cek kapan saja 24 jam sehari. Anda secara otomatis bisa memiliki ribuan “barang jualan” (produk) bernilai jual tinggi, tidak perlu repot bikin situs sendiri. Situs dan produk dalam bahasa Inggris sehingga bisa anda gunakan secara instant untuk menembus pasar global dengan potensi pasar 2 milyar orang pengguna internet. Program referalnya juga sangat menjanjikan. Jika kita bisa mengajak satu org bergabung menjadi referal kita dan dia membeli satu produk atau sign up satu program, maka kita akan dapat $20 cash.

Puluhan ribu perusahaan di Amerika telah menyadari bahwa dengan menggunakan tenaga freelance untuk posisi Promosi, perusahaan mereka telah menghemat pengeluaran jutaan dollar. Jika anda berminat untuk bergabung dan mulai menjadi affiliate di Paydotcom, silakan klik di sini. Untuk lebih jelasnya silakan anda download e-booknya di sini yg menerangkan dgn jelas dan bertahap tentang paydotcom disertai gambar yang mudah dipahami untuk affiliate PayDotCom.

Semoga tulisan ini bisa membuat anda lebih bisa untuk menjalankan PayDotCom.

Source : Romadona Akbar